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Blackwood Institute #3

Desecrated Saints

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Sinner. Saint. Lost. Found.

I never intended to leave Blackwood Institute alive. Instead, I found a whole new family. A reason to live. Hope. Belonging. Acceptance. Love.

We barely made it out with our lives.

Now, the real fight to survive begins.

In a world of false allegiances, corruption and violence, Incendia Corporation wants to silence our voices. We survived the sickness at the heart of their twisted medical marvel. Our truth is all we have left, but the world doesn’t want to hear it.

We’re just six unhinged criminals, on the run.

When tragedy strikes at the heart of our family, we must forge new alliances and brave the cruelty of an indifferent world. Enemies are gathering to watch our destruction, but the greatest threat still lies within.

There’s a vicious monster buried inside of me, battling for control. Patient Eight kept me alive in the dark, but Brooklyn West wants a future. The two cannot co-exist without imploding. Forging a new path will cost me everything – including the people I love.

In death and blood, we will find our happy ending.

The game is almost over.

Check mate, motherf*ckers.

Author's Note: Desecrated Saints is book three in the Blackwood Institute trilogy. They must be read in order. Full trigger warning is available inside the book.

470 pages, Kindle Edition

Published July 29, 2022

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About the author

J. Rose

22 books1,232 followers
J Rose is an independent dark romance author from the United Kingdom. She writes challenging, plot-driven stories packed full of angst, heartbreak and broken characters fighting for their happily ever afters.

She’s an introverted bookworm at heart with a caffeine addiction, penchant for cursing and an unhealthy attachment to fictional characters.

Feel free to reach out on social media, J Rose loves talking to her readers!

Enquiries: j_roseauthor@yahoo.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 276 reviews
Profile Image for Vero Exposito.
489 reviews4 followers
November 3, 2022
2.85 Stars

Possible spoilers

It was very hard to finish this book. I felt like it was way too slow and stretched out. I still didn’t like Hudson. That man gave me the ick. You know who I loved? Sev/Jude, he is my man and I love him with everything I have.

Even though I couldn’t stand Hudson I did ship him with Sev and the book was bearable because of Eli and Sev. I also believe I didn’t love this one as much as the other books because I just wasn’t feeling the vibes/tropes in it.

I will still read the Sabre series because I really liked Enzo, Hunt and Theo. This was not my cup of tea but maybe it’ll be yours. Toodles!
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,359 reviews110 followers
August 24, 2023
Recensione sulla mia pagina Bookstagram e su amazon

La mente di Brooklyn già tormentata di suo per gli eventi terrificanti che l’hanno fatta andare in tilt, è mesa ulteriormente a dura prova a causa di abusi, torture, e indicibili esperimenti compiuti su di lei e su gli altri ragazzi, nell’Ala Z.

Il Blackwood Institute è una prigione, una gabbia di dolore, sofferenza e oblio. Un abisso torbido senza fondo.

Una volta libera la ragazza sarà in grado di discernere tra ciò che ricorda per davvero e le spietate manipolazioni mentali perpetrate nei suoi confronti?

🖋️Questo capitolo finale è veramente molto forte e crudo, che non risparmia descrizioni e situazioni di dolore, privazioni e violenza, fuori da ogni logica umana.

Un terzo libro che pone in evidenza la precisa volontà dei personaggi di voler vivere una vita senza catene né oppressioni, e soprattutto senza manipolazioni di sorta.
Il desiderio di vendetta e di riscatto si avverte in ogni pagina e in tutte le espressioni verbali e non dei ragazzi arrivati nell'Istituto in condizioni già precarie, disturbati e rotti, sui quali sono stati condotti esperimenti aberranti per pura sete di onnipotenza e follia.
Una lettura non adatta a tutti ma dalle quale non si riesce a star lontani finché non si porta a termine.

Se vuoi scoprire se Brooklyn & company riusciranno a fuggire da questo luogo maledetto per trovare un pó di pace, non vi resta che iniziare questo viaggio pazzesco e terrificante insieme.

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia digitale e la collaborazione
Profile Image for Jo’s reading.
85 reviews9 followers
April 18, 2024
This series was just mind blowing.
I loved everything seconds, every pages of it.
As someone who works on the mental illness field, the description of mental illnesses and the insight on the subject was perfectly done. To say I am impressed by it is an understatement.
The character development was on point.
In this last book we have all the answers we were waiting for and more. I can’t wait to read more of J Rose books and more about this universes
August 21, 2022
Most of this book felt like a waiting game. Waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for answers, retribution and closure that felt never ending. Compared to the previous books the squirmishes in this book felt minor even though the gang is finally free and uncaged. I had so many assumptions on where the book was heading, most of which I was dead wrong on. While everyone wants to take down Blackwood Institute’s parent organization Incendia, nothing is going to be easy as there is an insane amount of money and government working together. None of the group really have credibility or power, so baring their souls and stories may be be the only thing that can give them peace and justice. It was hard at times accepting all the characters and they’re faults. When it came to Hudson I would occasionally forget what he did in the past and then the memory would return and I’d hate him all over. Kade continued to be judgmental and cruel in ways I never would have expected given his character in book one. They do suffer such cruelty it’s hard to imagine they could actually join the real world. Which brings me to the end….. While it may not be pleasing for everyone, (especially given the timeline to be vague), this was the ending they all needed and deserved. They all went into the system with actual needs that were never fully addressed or assessed correctly so I'm glad they all finally find their place in the world. This was a really wonderful and fucked up series. It truly delves into the darker side of he world and while kinda unrealistic it’s impossible not to get sucked into this world dealing with some heavy shit, crazy people, triggers galore and so much more.
Profile Image for elekade.
130 reviews
September 5, 2023
⚠️controllate i possibili TW se scegliete di leggere questi libri

quindi libro è uno di quelli che merita più di 5 stelle.
e questa è una di quelle trilogie che merita di essere letta.
io stessa non volevo iniziare il primo libro perché pensavo posse una di quelle letture cringe e scritte male ma invece mi sono ricreduta quasi subito.

la scrittura e scorrevole, sa catturare il lettore e farlo sentire parte della storia. la trama è originale, con colpi di scena, situazioni riflessive, altre più romantiche e altre più eccitanti.
il fatto che ci siano più pov aiuta a capire meglio la storia.
dietro ogni libro c’è un significato.

brooke, così come gli altri personaggi, mi è piaciuta molta. una ragazza spezzata dalla vita ma con un fuoco dentro, una rabbia accecante e che non si fa mettere i piedi in testa. una ragazza forte ma che viene continuamente tormenta dalla sua malattia. una ragazza che nonostante tutto ci insegna il perdonare se stessi.

i ragazzi, che dire su di loro? tutti e quattro diversi, con qualità e difetti differenti ma con una cosa in comune: l’amore per la loro ragazza e la loro famiglia.
inutile dire che ho amato tutti e 4, ma in modi differenti.

kade è il bravo ragazzo, che oltre a brooke, anche a me ha dato un senso di conforto. ho amato il suo lato dolce ma anche quello meno dolce in certe situazioni (😏🌝). quando la chiama “amore” svengo.

hudson è il bad boy: ricoperto di tatuaggi, con un passato disastroso e problemi di rabbia. devi dire che le prime volte che ho visto questo personaggio non mi ha fatto impazzire, ma man mano che leggevo ho adorato vedere la sua crescita e comprenderlo di più per quanto possibile.

phoenix invece potrebbe essere il nostro “sunshine boy”, con i suoi capelli blu e la battutina pronta. il suo personaggio forse è uno dei miei preferiti, non so il perché ma sono entrata molto in simpatica con lui sin dal primo libro.

eli è il nostro “grumpy boy”, molto silenzioso per via dei suoi traumi. anche con il suo personaggio sono entrata in empatia è inutile dire che nix e eli sono carinissimi insieme e una delle mie “coppie” preferite.

su un altro personaggio che vediamo, se non ricordo male, nel secondo libro ho avuto dei pensieri altalenanti: prima l’ho amato, poi quando l’ho visto avvicinarsi a brooke dopo alcuni avvenimenti temevo che potesse tradirla alla fine sono contenta che sia andata in QUEL modo ma devo ancora abituarmi all’idea che abbia allargato il gruppo.

mi sono piaciuti molto anche gli alti personaggi secondari di tutti e tre i libri che, insieme a quelli principali, sono ben caratterizzati.

è un reverse harem, quindi abbiamo un gruppo di persone di cui solo una ragazza e diciamo che tutti vanno con tutti o comunque con chi si sentono attratti. è la prima volta che leggo un libro RH ma non mi è dispiaciuto per nulla.

consiglio molto questi tre volumi, soprattutto se siete amanti del genere. io dopo i primi due libri ho spezzato con letture più leggere per differenziare un po’ e “svagare” la mente.
se avete paura di non capire la trama non vi preoccupate perché la scrittura è molto chiara e ogni cosa poi viene spiegata, trova il suo collegamento e la sua fine.
Profile Image for shay.
323 reviews17 followers
October 14, 2023
holy shit this series?? it’s official, it’s become one of my new faves, im literally obsessed with it and the author is an amazing writer, I can’t wait to read more of their other books! this book specifically though, a writing masterpiece, the anxiety inducing, heart wrenching, angst filled work of art I’ve ever read, and some of the best smut I’ve ever read as well! the detail and planning that must’ve gone into this to tie up so many different and intricate plots that all wind together in some way, im in awe with the way this is all written and I don’t think I’m every gunna get over this series! the plot kept me hooked the whole time, I couldn’t even put it down, I’m so sad to be saying goodbye to these characters, i wish there was some more on their happiness after jude and brooklyns recovery, but that’s just me being sad the story is over, everything was wrapped up perfectly! the arc of brooklyns character in this book was insane, she had so much growth and she really became one of the most resilient characters I’ve ever read about, she was such a badass and seeing her recovered and finally happy was the best thing to read about! as for the guys, the addition of judes character in this family unit was honestly the perfect slot into this group, like I didn’t even realise something was missing a little from the original group until jude joined, and it’s safe to say he owns my heart, I adore him so much, and his growth was just as beautiful to read about! each of the other guys, eli, phoenix, kade and hudson have come a long way after everything that’s happened to them and each of their arcs was so personal and well written, im never getting over the authors writing because I’m truly amazed by it, each of these character hold such a dear place in my heart! the letters actually broke me, I was a sobbing mess, out of joy and sadness I’m so emotional right now! overall, one of the best books and series’ I’ve ever read, I’m obsessed and I wish I could read it all again for the first time!
Profile Image for Simoloverosa.
325 reviews18 followers
July 18, 2023
C'è una tale forza magnetica nella penna di J. Rose che il lettore è profondamente assorbito dall' intricato labirinto delle sue pagine, impigliato nella brutale e perversa oscurità di una serie dalla stesura mozzafiato e dalle sfumature disarmanti e pazzesche che ti aggrovigliano i pensieri e le viscere. È innegabile che i fatti siano fluidi, adrenalinici e narrati con cruda violenza e sconvolgente determinazione, ti senti sopraffatto dalle parole che suonano come ruvida carta vetrata che sbriciola il cuore in polvere sottile. I tre volumi sono un viaggio turbolento nell’agonia più totale dove però trionfa l' amore che germoglia nella follia e fonde le anime in un incredibile sintonia emotiva e carnale mentre nel sangue, nella passione, nel dolore sboccia il legame più potente che crea una famiglia vera e inscindibile. Una famiglia che ama, apprezza, aspetta, sostiene, conforta ma soprattutto ti accetta per ciò che sei. Mesi di abusi e torture hanno incrinato l' anima di Brooklyn, gli esperimenti dell' Ala Z le hanno forgiato una mente contorta e spietata i suoi ricordi si accartocciano e si confondono offuscati dai traumi ma una volta libera è giunto il momento della vendetta contro i veri mostri e della rinascita proiettata verso un nuovo futuro insieme alla sua ritrovata famiglia di cui diventa membro anche il tenebroso e attraente paziente Sette. Il loro rapporto è animale e selvaggio e la loro sete di riscatto li unisce nella lotta contro l' istituto soffrendo e stringendo alleanze per far conoscere al mondo i plagi e le terribili torture subite. Tutti i ragazzi uniti, nella vita o nella morte, vogliono riappropriarsi della propria identità e libertà. Un capitolo conclusivo che mi ha regalato sensazioni struggenti, intense e fortemente crude ma a tratti anche commoventi in cui la potenza del legame ti incatena ad anime dal passato tormentato che ora vogliono solo vivere insieme in pace lontano dall' orrore vissuto. Le mura del Blackwood Institute sono finalmente scosse dal terremoto della giustizia. Un volume trascinante che pone fine ad una serie difficile da leggere ma meravigliosa dal punto di vista emotivo e sentimentale perchè l' amore che lega questi forti e fragili ragazzi è magnifico e speciale e lo senti crescere e ardere dentro al tuo cuore.
Profile Image for Allie.
92 reviews39 followers
September 11, 2023
How to know when a book is a good book? You are sad when the book or series is finished. I loved everything about this series from the characters to the storyline to the playlist. I know that this series is going to be one that sticks with me for awhile. Dare I say it, but I think this series will probably be in my top 5 favorites for this year. I think out of all of the books in this series this one is my favorite. I feel like this book caused more reactions from me compared to Books 1 and 2. I really loved the playlist in the series. I feel like the playlist is what helped get more of a reaction out of me on chapters because on sad chapters the songs would just make the chapter even sadder. The playlist also made me feel like I was watching a movie inside my head and I love when books make me feel that way. What I loved the most about this series is being able to see Brooklyn's character growth throughout the series. We also got introduced to some new characters in this book and I loved them so much. I'm very excited that they are getting their own series because I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters yet. Overall, this has become one of my favorite series and I think J. Rose is becoming one of my favorite authors. I can't wait to check out more of her other books that she has written. If you haven't read this one, I would definitely recommend!
Profile Image for booklover1816.
347 reviews46 followers
July 25, 2022
You guys. YOU GUYS. Oh my gosh. This book!!!! I am so so sooo happy for Brooklyn and her men. Holy moly. It was not an easy ride. It was filled with so many obstacles and challenges, but ugh. I am so SO happy that they finally get their happily ever after.

“𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈’𝐦 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐱𝐲𝐠𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐬. 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.”

These guys are made for each other. Seriously. They are 𝘵𝘩𝘦 definition of soul mates and I have been so honored to be apart of their journey. I know that probably sounds crazy as this book is well, fictional, but they have real life issues. Most of the things in this book 𝘩𝘢𝘴 happened. It may not have been exactly the way this story was told, but it’s similar.

So, thank you @jroseauthor. And not just for letting me escape from my reality for awhile (😉,) but talking about things that not a lot of people do talk about. Thank you for writing about how much mental illness affects people and that it’s okay to have these issues.

If you have not read this series yet, you have to. Though, I hope you have as this is the 3rd book and you’re probably so confused by now 😅😂
Profile Image for Sara.
177 reviews58 followers
June 27, 2023
I have been dragging my feet about finishing this. I'm not ready to let this series go. I've loved it so much. I'm really gonna miss these characters.

This series is so perfect in so many ways. I'm always nervous to read the end of a book because sometimes it just isn't as good as the rest of the book. But this, this ending was perfect. J Rose is truly an amazing author. She wrote the perfect ending for these characters, it wasn't easy and it wasn't all roses but it was perfect. That wouldn't have fit with the rest of this series if the ending had been easy and cheesy.

I can't believe this is the end, I would have loved for this series to go on forever. I'm pretty sure there's an E forever carved into my heart thanks to Eli. And Seven, what a man. I'm so glad we got to see more of him.

This will definitely be a series I need to re-read at some point in my life.
Profile Image for Veronica Guidi.
Author 4 books5 followers
July 12, 2023
A mio avviso, il più bello di tutta la saga. Intenso, avvincente, commovente. Ogni cosa ha la sua spiegazione e soprattutto la giusta evoluzione. Ammetto che mi mancheranno i personaggi, ognuno col suo carattere, ognuno psicologicamente compromesso, ma tutti con un’anima che va oltre. Sette ha minacciato di spodestare HUD, ma niente, lui resta il mio preferito, nonostante nel primo libro avessi un debole per Fix. Non riesco ancora a limitarlo a un dark romance. È psicologicamente travolgente, oltre a non essere adatto ai deboli di cuore (io non riesco a leggere horror e ammetto che alcune scene splatter mi hanno devastata, ma se ci sono riuscita io…).
Consigliata tutta la saga, vale davvero la pena di leggerla.
Profile Image for Noni.
367 reviews3 followers
July 14, 2023
∞/5 ✨


Profile Image for Mandyloves2read.
1,522 reviews164 followers
August 1, 2022
Wow what a fantastic final book in this series! I absolutely love the characters the character growth in this one was amazing and all the twists and turns and the steam !!! Definitely one of my favorite reads from this author!
Profile Image for Ashily.
184 reviews48 followers
March 4, 2024
What a lovely ending to this amazing trilogy! Everything was wrapped up for us so nicely! It was amazing to see the journey all of characters went on. I loved the plot, and the spice was great, too!

I know it's a "why choose" but I'm choosing Kade 🥹🥰
Profile Image for Raven Badini.
69 reviews3 followers
October 20, 2023
I loved this trilogy soooo much. The first two are def my favourite (5 stars for me) but the final book had good closure of the story.
Profile Image for Allyson Reagan.
37 reviews
November 20, 2023
This book felt like a perfect ending to this dark, emotional trilogy. Every character had such a beautiful journey. I also loved the addition of Hunter, Enzo, and Theo, so I think I have to read their spinoff trilogy asap and hopefully get some glimpses of Brooklyn and her men thriving as well 🫶🏻
Profile Image for Debbie Webb.
227 reviews11 followers
July 21, 2022

I.. I have no words…..

Desecrated Saints is the third and final book in the Blackwood Institute series and let me tell you it does NOT DISAPPOINT! J Rose has written such a fantastic series about a group of twisted people that have sacrificed so much in their lives. Damn. I legit had tears in my eyes after finishing this book. This series is dark, twisted, but oh so good.

Brooklyn and the guys have been through hell in this series, and in Desecrated Saints they definitely don’t get a break from the craziness. Brooklyn and her guys have grown so much since book 1, and Seven’s character development was fantastic! This book is filled with heartbreak, twists, steam, and so much more. I absolutely loved the guys back and forth bickering in this book, not gonna lie it was pretty damn funny at times. This book was honestly my favorite out of all of them, and I’m so freaking sad that their journey has come to an end. There is so much I would love to say about what happened in this book, but as you know I will NOT SPOIL STUFF! SO GO AND READ IT!! Whew, okay I’m good. 🤣💀

As I said this series is freaking crazy, but it’s also amazing. I mean come on, it’s about a group of people in a mental institution! Crazy? Yeah, maybe. But I am a sucker for all the weird and crazy stuff. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. Please check TWs before reading.

I could seriously talk about this series forever, but I won’t because you should just go and read it.

Thank you so so much J Rose for providing me with an ARC of this fantastic book! You are truly an amazing writer and I can’t wait to read more of your work!

This is definitely a 5 star read for me!

Also one last thing, Eli is the freaking best and also my favorite… 🤣😍
Profile Image for Laura Fabian.
469 reviews43 followers
July 26, 2022
I received this ARC as part of J. Rose's Street Team and am writing this review voluntarily and with completely honesty

⚠️Could contain spoilers from previous books in the series⚠️

I want to avoid saying too much about the plot of this book because I think it's much more enjoyable if the twists J. Rose prepared for us are unexpected, so this is going to be a slightly different review than the ones I normally write:

I feel like I waited forever to read the end of Blackwood Institute and still didn't know what to expect from this last book, but J. Rose gave me everything I needed without even knowing it: Desecrated Saints was darker, toxic, dangerous, reckless, bloody, unexpected, and surprisingly cuter than its predecessors in the best of ways, and although I'm sad to say goodbye to Broke, Hudson, Kade, Nyx, Jude and especially my Eli, I also think this story couldn't have had a more epic ending! And I'm very excited for what's to come.

I think all the characters have grown in one way or another in the first two books, but without a doubt it is in Desecrated Saints where they can really start to heal and their progress is most present, particularly in Brooke, Hudson, Eli & Jude, their process was not easy or pretty: the whole group is running from Incendia, Brooke & Jude have to face the aftermath of the trauma that Blackwood left them, Kade experiences several emotions throughout the book, and reading him with guilt for what he has had to do to help his family to survive broke my heart a lot, Nyx lives the consequences of her past colliding with her present, Eli experiences his first time in the real world, which is quite overwhelming for him and surprisingly Hudson is in charge of keeping their family strong and united in his own style, something that I loved and that I really enjoyed reading.

Another thing that I really liked about this book was the whole plot of Brooke and her boys escaping from a Incendia & wanting to do justice, but best of all were the number of twists and shocking revelations that J. Rose prepared for us in the final book of Blackwood Institute, some made the lives of the characters much more complicated, others broke my heart and made me cry a lot, but there were also some unexpected situations that made me very happy, like Hudson exploring that curiosity that begins to arise in him and I have to say that I would love to read much more about that, we also have the return of some characters, and the incorporation of others that were the best thing that could happen to this story and with which I am totally in love.

In short, the final book of Blackwood Institute is one of my favorite books of the month, the best conclusion to this story and perfect if you want a twisted, dark and toxic story that is masterfully crafted.

Recibí ésta ARC como parte del Street Team de J. Rose y estoy escribiendo esta reseña de manera voluntaria y totalmente honesta

⚠️Podría contener spoiler de los libros anteriores de la serie⚠️

Quiero evitar decir mucho sobre la trama de este libro porque creo que se disfruta mucho más si los giros que J. Rose preparó para nosotros son inesperados, así que ésta va a ser una reseña un poco diferente a las que escribo normalmente:

Siento que esperé por siempre para poder leer el final de Blackwood Institute y aún así no sabía que esperar de este ultimo libro, pero J. Rose me dio todo lo que necesitaba sin siquiera saberlo: Desecrated Saints fue más oscuro, toxico, peligroso, imprudente, sangriento, inesperado y sorprendentemente tierno que sus predecesores en la mejor de las formas, y aunque estoy triste de decirle adiós a Broke, Hudson, Kade, Nyx, Jude y especialmente a mi Eli también creo que esta historia no pudo haber tenido un final más épico! y estoy muy emocionada por lo que viene.

Creo que todos los personajes han crecido de una u otra manera en los dos primeros libros, pero sin lugar a dudas es en Desecrated Saints donde realmente pueden comenzar a sanar y su progreso es más evidente, particularmente en Brooke, Hudson, Eli & Jude, su proceso no fue sencillo ni bonito: todo el grupo está huyendo de Incendia, Brooke & Jude tienen que enfrentarse a las secuelas del trauma que Blackwood les dejó, Kade experimenta varias emociones a lo largo del libro, y leerlo teniendo culpa por lo que ha tenido que hacer para ayudar a su familia a sobrevivir me rompió mucho el corazón, Nyx vive las consecuencias de la colisión de su pasado con su presente, Eli experimenta su primera vez en el mundo real, lo que es bastante abrumador para él y sorprendentemente Hudson es el encargado de mantener a su familia fuerte y unida en su propio estilo, algo que me encantó y que disfruté muchísimo leer.

Otra cosa que me gustó mucho de este libro fue toda la trama de Brooke y sus chicos escapando de incendia & queriendo hacer justicia, pero lo mejor de todo fueron la cantidad de giros y revelaciones impactantes que J. Rose preparó para nosotros en el desenlace de Blackwood Intitute, algunos complicaron mucho más la vida de los personajes, otros rompieron mi corazón y me hicieron llorar muchísimo, pero también hubo algunas situaciones inesperadas que me hicieron muy feliz, como Hudson explorando esa curiosidad que empieza a surgir en él y que tengo que decir que me encantaría leer mucho más, además tenemos el regreso de algunos personajes, y la incorporación de otros que fueron lo mejor que le pudo pasar a esta historia y de los cuales ya estoy totalmente enamorada.

En resumen, el libro final de Blackwood Institute es uno de mis libros favoritos del mes, la mejor conclusión para esta historia y perfecto si quieren una historia retorcida, oscura y toxica que esta creada de manera magistral.
Profile Image for D.
159 reviews15 followers
August 5, 2022
Ms. Rose wow… I’m enthralled by this series!
Book 3 wrapped this series up perfectly. I loved the characters, the action and the amazing plot 👏

Hope to see more books set in this world.
Profile Image for TINA | DejaLu✨.
612 reviews12 followers
December 8, 2022
Whoa. What a series. My mind is completely FRIED! This series is dark, so dark and the author takes no mercy on your soul as she writes their story! I was hoping, beyond hoping, that the final book was finally going to bring us to some happier times for our group of misfits... but no, no it really does not. The story is deeply disturbing and, please please please read the triggers! I will say there is a HEA but it takes a long time to get there!

The final book of the Blackwood Institute series takes us to Sabre Security. Brooklyn and the boys have managed to escape hell on earth but they are now in hiding. Their faces are plastered all over the news, searching for the escaped mental patients and the stories have been manipulated to fit the narrative given by Incendia (hope I'm spelling that right!).

On their quest to get their freedom and take down Incendia, lives are lost, secrets are revealed, relationships are strengthened and new friends are made among the chaos.

This story is not an easy read! It is gruesome at times, disturbing, sad (granted there are some very steamy scened!!) and for me it completely zapped me mentally! It is really good though... the darkness, the deceit, the suspense... it's all good.
Profile Image for Lauren.
136 reviews5 followers
August 1, 2022
If J Rose didn’t own my dark heart before, she does now. The entire time I was reading this book, it was a constant effort not to collapse in tears as these characters broke further and further apart. Brooklyn and her men are on the run after escaping the infamous Blackwood Institute, fighting against an enemy who wears a mask of perfection and public adoration. After being broken and rebuilt by their demons, these characters once again have to disassemble themselves and remember their humanity, while also coming to terms with their past experiences and new realities.

This book beautifully demonstrates the struggles of trauma survivors and the unimaginable effort of overcoming adversity and striving towards something better. Brooklyn’s character arc is one of my favourites that I’ve ever read, encompassing strength and power, but also the need to break and allow yourself to feel. Seven is one of my new favourite characters and I loved his journey towards a better future, and being a man Brooklyn can be proud of. Kade, Phoenix, Eli, and Hudson also go through their own journeys and growth, and it is amazing to see how far they’ve come since the beginning of Twisted Heathens.

All that was shattered has been mended, and I cannot express enough love for the finale of the Blackwood Institute series.
Profile Image for Rhiannon Chillingworth.
790 reviews186 followers
September 6, 2022
I've got micmxed feelings about this, but I really liked the ending, so I rounded up instead of down.

What I liked about this series is that is wasn't afraid to really tackle the darkness if a variety of mental illness. I also really liked the characters. I thought they were very well done.

What I didn't like was how incredibly gratuitous it was. I could excuse the horrendous and disturbing torture and violence, because the whole book is about the psychological experimentation of these vulnerable people. But, particularly in this book, I couldn't really stomach a lot of the sex scenes. Part of it was that a lot of it just wasn't my thing (the whole daddy thing, calling her a slut just personally turns my stomach) but there were some pretty absurd situations that just seemed or be there for the supposed shock factor. I felt this almost let it down.

Regardless, if you like dark contemporary RH romance with severely mentally unwell characters then definitely give this a try.
November 21, 2023
Ebbene sì, finisce così un'altra serie di libri.
Mi sento generosa con quattro stelle perchè è stato molto difficile continuare l'ultimo libro, le mie aspettative erano molto più alte dopo i primi due e sento che nel corso dei capitoli ha perso il suo potenziale.
Anche se gli ultimi sono stati veramente belli, quindi posso concedere il recupero della quarta stellina.
Certo non lo nego, lo spicy è stato wow indescrivibile, allucinante, però ho sentito molte mancanze in fatto di trama.
E soprattutto diverse volte mi trovavo a volere degli approfondimenti della malattia di Brooklyn.
Anyways, tutto è bene quel che finisce bene.
Addio Hudson, Eli, Kade, Phoenyx e Jude.
Addio Brooklyn, addio Blackwood.
Vi ringrazio per questa lettura speciale.
Chissà, magari un giorno vi rileggerò, fino a quel momento conservo i momenti di spensieratezza e quelli sempre elettrizzati e pieni di scleri nel cuore.

~Passo e chiudo, Vi
Profile Image for Kristen.
475 reviews7 followers
July 20, 2022
This final book in the Blackwood Institute series did not disappoint. The character growth and development from start to finish is utterly exceptional, in both the book and overall series. J Rose took this raggedy group of twisted heathens that sinned, desecreated and sacrificed it all to become saints in their own sense, attemption to shed light and bring forth the inhumance actions brought upon them. The wild ride I endured to get to this point was absolutely worth the pain that Brooklyn and her guys endured, and myself as well with the emotions I was overwhelmed with. I could not stop reading to see how this series concluded and cried happy tears at this dark romance that cut me deep. 5 stars to an unrivaled series written in a mental health institution with dark romance with triggers galore. *chefs kiss*
Profile Image for all_you_read_is_love.
357 reviews50 followers
May 29, 2023
A torturous, edge of your seat romance which took a hold of me and kept me wanting more!

I could not get enough of this twisted universe created by J Rose, it was dark and grim. A reverse harem with patients of a psychiatric hospital, it was completely unexpected and eye opening.

I was sat in suspense throughout the whole series, each character created intrigue and uncertainty and I honestly didn't know a book could have so many twists.

I loved all of the characters so much, they took me on a whirlwind adventure. Their infatuations with each other were swoon worthy as was their abilities to bring each other back from manic episodes.

I am honestly still reeling from this series and don't have anything else left to say except please give this series a chance, it is fantastic.

Ps Jude and Eli are my favs!!

5* romance!!


Reverse Harem
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