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Daily Rothko

One Rothko a day for health and prosperity.

creepysora said

How are you doing? I hope good^^ I still love all this work you put in, and I hope the big database project thrives! I actually wanted to ask something related to that: Do you know if there is a place where you can buy Rothko prints online? I'd love something for my office space... Thanks for your help! Have a good day~

McGaw Graphics is the legal place that does it. Pretty much everything else is not legal and I can’t recommend them. I am sure there are good non-legit prints but I just have no way of knowing.

Museums with also have posters from retrospectives they have done. Some of those can be nice, so if you have a local ,museum that has a Rothko or two you might try there as well.

Thanks for your kind words and for writing.

Anonymous said

what is it about Rothko (with the intention of uncovering some deep, inaccessible part of my being through your answer)

It’s hard to write about art. It becomes a lot of assembling and dismantling adjectives, storing anecdotes and often, because of why you’re writing about it, some gentle coercion to get someone to like something that you do. It’s a genuine impulse but a hapless task.

I love lots of artists and Rothko is one. However, I never intended to get so involved in him, I just thought he was the right artist for a once a day mediation. Rothko is an ecumenical painter. He wants everyone to look. He names nothing in his paintings. He offers no intellectual distractions or influences. He literally would not have it any other way. Few artists invite that kind of scrutiny and come back swinging, but Rothko measures up pretty well.

I went to the works on paper show a few times. The group on display were punchy as hell. They looked just painted. It didn’t look like paper, it hardly looked like paint. It reminded me that I look at Rothko paintings every single day and I still find them full of new things to excite me. Maybe I’m a sucker.

I imagine every one of us wishes we could show our favorite things and magically have them fall on everyone like love, but I don’t think anything is for everyone. Like Proust, I do recommend that everyone tries a little Rothko now and then to see if you have lined up with it. In Rothko one thing hides another. And the other can be an endless sea.
